Patty McDuffey, LAc, MAcOM, Dipl.OM
Like many others, Patty entered the field of Chinese Medicine after experiencing exceptional relief through natural dietary therapy, acupuncture, and Chinese herbs for health concerns that were not responding well to other forms of treatment. After spending her college years and early 20s reading health magazines, learning to eat organic, participating in various cleanses, and reading books pertaining to the prevention of disease and cultivation of healthy lifestyles, she decided to become an acupuncturist. After graduating from the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine with a Master’s in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, Patty started her first practice in Bend, OR under the clinic name, Mt. Bachelor Acupuncture and Herbal Clinic. She has been fortunate to have had the opportunity to practice in both Bend and Portland.
She’s taken the road less traveled, both in life as well as within this profession. It often hasn’t been easy, but it has always ended up transforming her and her practice in ways that she could not have imagined. She’s come to appreciate the simplicity of caring for the body, mind, and spirit, while recognizing that the process of healing is a journey of transformation. International travel experiences have always been at the heart of her pursuit of health – both personal and collective. The Buddhist meditation retreats she's attended in Nepal impactfully shifted her perspective of life. During the summer of 2022, she spent time observing and experiencing how western and central European countries structure their societies in ways that engender personal and societal health and well-being.
Patty is pleased to be able to offer her patients support no matter where they are located. With her office currently located in Portland, she is happy to offer her local patients, at Beaumont Healthcare Clinic, a variety of hands-on Chinese medical modalities. For those not located within the Portland area, she’s pleased to offer support via virtual hypnosis sessions, Chinese herbal medicine and functional, Chinese nutritional therapy. Additionally, Patty is available to see CareOregon and PacificSource OHP patients as a satellite office for Be Well Holistic Health, which she hopes will grow into a foundation for a national healthcare system in the United States.
She has woven together her experiences, studies, observations, and lessons learned. It is from this collection of life, travel, and educational experiences that she draws when working with patients. She strives to understand what is at the root of dis-ease and will do her best to help each patient realize their own unique healing potential in an effort to find greater balance, peace, and well-being.
Emory University, Atlanta, GA - BA - 2001
Oregon College of Oriental Medicine - Portland, OR - MAcOM - 2010
Oregon Health Science University (OHSU)
Old Town Clinic/Central City Concern - Sub-Acute Detox
Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, Nanjing, China
Certificates and Licenses
National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) - Diplomate of Oriental Medicine - licensed since 2010 - Board Certified Acupuncturist and Chinese Herbalist
Oregon Medical Board - licensed since 2011
NADA (National Acupuncture Detoxification Association) Certified Acupuncture Detox Specialist - 2011
Certified Professional Hypnotist - International Certification Board of Coaches and Hypnotists (ICBCH) - 2023
Continuing Education
Master Tung Acupuncture and Cupping
Ten Key Formula Families, Huang Huang
Healing Community Trauma - Acupuncturists without Borders
Shen-Hammer/Contemporary Chinese Pulse Diagnosis
Autoimmune Mastery Program with Michael Gaeta
Acupuncture in Hospice Mentorship